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Article: How to help your baby sleep!

So hilfst Du Deinem Baby beim Schlafen!

How to help your baby sleep!

As a new parent, it is a big challenge to understand and pay attention to your newborn's sleeping habits. A newborn typically sleeps between 14 and 17 hours a day, which is crucial for your child's healthy development.

To ensure your newborn gets enough sleep, you should provide him with a quiet and comfortable sleeping environment. This includes a comfortable bed, a pleasant room temperature and lots of physical closeness. Make sure your newborn sleeps in your bedroom for the first few weeks to build a close bond with him and be able to keep an eye on him at all times.

During the day, you should give your newborn the opportunity to experience enough light and noise to develop his day-night rhythm. However, make sure it is quieter at night to help him sleep through the night.

A baby carrier is an absolute must to keep your newborn close and comfortable during the day while keeping your hands free. You can use the baby carrier from sandiia® from a body weight of 3kg.

In summary, it is important that your newborn gets enough sleep to promote healthy development. Make sure he has a quiet and comfortable sleeping environment, provide him with enough light and noise during the day to develop his circadian rhythm, and if necessary use a baby carrier to provide closeness and comfort during the day.

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We're on TV - Natalie & Hodays on WDR Lokalzeit Düsseldorf

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