Carrying is more than hands-free - these are the invisible advantages of baby carriers
Are you still pushing or are you already carrying?
Carrying is a trend. And carrying has to fit in with fashion. That is what we have set ourselves. But carrying is not a passing fad, but rather a sustainable one. The first thing that most parents benefit from is having their hands free. This means that carrying is immediately convincing in practice.
Carrying is as old as the history of mankind
The stroller, on the other hand, is only about 200 years old, which is a blink of an eye in evolutionary terms. However, it has been very important over the last 80 years because it was a status symbol for the generation of our parents and grandparents in the post-war period. Anyone who could afford a stroller was respected, and anyone who -had- to- carry their baby was considered poorer.
That's why carrying is so sustainable
Carrying our babies is an investment in the future. Both physiologically and emotionally, the little ones benefit the most from being carried. It starts with the stimulation of all the body's senses. For example, a baby unconsciously trains its sense of balance by balancing our movements. At the same time, we naturally give the baby a basic trust and offer the baby the most womb-like conditions possible. It is warm, it is tight and when mom carries, it is the familiar sounds such as the heartbeat and voice that give the baby the greatest security.
If you have any further questions, our babywearing consultants are available to help you. Simply send them an email to trageberatung@sandiia.de or arrange an appointment for online babywearing advice.