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Urlaub mit Baby: Die ultimative Packliste für entspannte Reisen

Urlaub mit Baby: Die ultimative Packliste für entspannte Reisen

Der erste Urlaub mit Baby ist eine aufregende Erfahrung – aber auch ein kleines Abentuer, wenn es um das Packen geht. Damit du nichts vergisst und die Reise möglichst stressfrei wird, haben wir ein...

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Kinderwagen oder Babytrage: Warum die Babytrage die bessere Wahl ist

Kinderwagen oder Babytrage: Warum die Babytrage die bessere Wahl ist

Als Elternteil stehst du vor zahlreichen Entscheidungen, die den Alltag mit deinem Baby betreffen. Eine der ersten und vielleicht wichtigsten Entscheidungen ist die Frage, ob du dich eher für einen...

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Sport mit Baby in der Trage: Fitness für dich und Bindung für dein Baby

Sport mit Baby in der Trage: Fitness für dich und Bindung für dein Baby

Du möchtest nach der Schwangerschaft wieder fit werden, ohne auf die Nähe zu deinem Kind verzichten zu müssen? Einige Übungen stärken eure Bindung, verbessern deine Fitness und machen obendrein noc...

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Wie können Babytragen bei Schreibabys helfen?

How can baby carriers help cry babies?

As the parent of a crying baby, this experience can be one of the most challenging you can go through. Your baby's constant crying can exhaust and unsettle you. You feel helpless and wonder what...

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Wann ist ein Baby kein Frühchen mehr?

Wann ist ein Baby kein Frühchen mehr?

Die Geburt eines Kindes ist ein besonderes Ereignis, doch manchmal kommt es unerwartet früh. Jedes Jahr werden weltweit Millionen von Babys als Frühgeborene geboren, was für Eltern oft eine Zeit vo...

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Die perfekte Baby-Erstausstattung: Ein Leitfaden für werdende Eltern

Initial equipment checklist

Die Geburt eines Kindes ist ein wunderschöner und aufregender Moment, der viele Veränderungen mit sich bringt. Vielleicht stehst Du vor der Frage: Welche Dinge benötigen wir wirklich für unser Baby...

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Co-Creation mit Patrizia Palme

Co-creation with Patrizia Palme

We are thrilled to tell you about a very special collaboration today: our co-creation with the wonderful Patrizia Palme! ❤️ Patrizia Palme, known for her creativity, inspiring content and passion f...

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✨ Wir waren dabei – The Family Wonderland 2024 in Köln! ✨

✨ We were there – The Family Wonderland 2024 in Cologne! ✨

At the beginning of November, the beautiful Flora Cologne was transformed into a magical "Wonderland" for families for a whole weekend. We had the great pleasure of being part of this inspiring ev...

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Behind the Scenes: City-Shooting in Düsseldorf

Behind the Scenes: City shooting in Düsseldorf

Sometimes pictures say more than a thousand words, and that's exactly why we love to capture our products in authentic and inspiring scenes. Our recent city shooting in Düsseldorf was a real highl...

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Was sind Co2-Nester und was kann ich dagegen tun?

What are Co2 nests and what can I do about them?

When it comes to the well-being of our babies, parents face numerous challenges. One of them is ensuring adequate ventilation, especially when we carry our little ones in b...

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Das sind die wichtigsten Unterschiede von Fullbuckle- und Halfbuckle-Babytragen

These are the main differences between full buckle and half buckle baby carriers

Full buckle and half buckle baby carriers are two popular types of carriers that parents use to carry their babies and toddlers close to their bodies. Both types of carriers offer ergonomic supp...

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Hurra – unsere neuen Halfbuckle-Babycarrier sind da!

Hurray – our new half buckle baby carriers are here!

The half buckle baby carrier from sandiia® is an ideal combination of baby carrier and sling. The bridge and shoulder straps can be individually adjusted. The padded hip belt ensures comfortable...

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14 Gründe für eine Babytrage von sandiia®

14 reasons for a baby carrier from sandiia®

The time has finally come: your baby is here! The first weeks and months are full of happy moments, but also full of challenges. A good baby carrier can help you to master your everyday life wit...

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Zärtliche Momente: Die 3 schönsten Rituale zum Wickeln

Tender moments: The 3 most beautiful diaper changing rituals

Changing diapers is not only an everyday care activity for your baby, but also a wonderful opportunity to share tender moments. To make this time even more beautiful, you can introduce recurring...

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Was macht eigentlich eine Trageberaterin?

What does a babywearing consultant actually do?

Babywearing consultants: support for parents in everyday babywearing Babywearing consultants are experts in all aspects of babywearing. They help parents choose the right baby carrier, demonstrat...

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Babytrage und/oder Kinderwagen?

Baby carrier and/or stroller?

You are faced with the important decision between a baby carrier and a stroller, and today we want to show you why the baby carrier is a fantastic choice. Let's take a look at the many benefits of...

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So war die Instyle Mini & Me Lounge in München

This was the Instyle Mini & Me Lounge in Munich

On October 14, 2023, the time had finally come. Our first event in which we participated as exhibitors: The Instyle Mini & Me Lounge was a unique experience designed for families and offered...

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Das sandiia®-Allwettercover für Babytragen: Schutz, Komfort und Funktionalität

The sandiia® all-weather cover for baby carriers: protection, comfort and functionality

As winter approaches, it is especially important for parents to keep their little ones warm and protected while they enjoy the fresh air and go about everyday activities. Thi...

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sandiia X InStyle Mini & Me Lounge

sandiia X InStyle Mini & Me Lounge

The InStyle Mini & Me Lounge is entering its second round this year and is looking forward to seeing all the stylish mommies and daddies and their kids! InStyle invites you to the InStyle Mini ...

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Mythos: Verwöhne ich mein Baby, wenn ich es trage?

Myth: Am I spoiling my baby when I carry him?

As parents, we want the best for our babies, and often we are unsure if we are giving them too much attention and closeness. One question that comes up again and again is: "Am I spoiling my baby...

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sandiia® als Favorit der GLAMOUR-Redaktion

sandiia® as the favorite of the GLAMOR editors

Shopping and supporting women: It's possible! The GLAMOR editorial team presents their favorite fashion, beauty and lifestyle brands founded and run by women ...

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Neu: Unser Weiterempfehlungsprogramm

New: Our recommendation program

There are numerous options in the world of baby carriers, but few achieve the quality and comfort that parents and their babies need. As a content creator, midwife or baby carrier consultant, it...

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Interview mit den Gründerinnen von sandiia®

Interview with the founders of sandiia®

Who is actually behind the sandiia brand? They are two friends and mothers who came together in 2018 to fulfill a big dream: -How did you two meet?  We met in 2013 in a Düsseldorf advertising ...

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sandiia® im Mama-Mutmacher Podcast

sandiia® in the mom-mutmacher podcast

Our first podcast talk is online! Natalie Burba in conversation: She is one of the two founders of Sandiia®. We talk about the history of the brand, the development of the range, her favorite ...

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sandiia® POP-UP Room in München

sandiia® POP-UP Room in Munich

Munich, May 2023 – A pop-up concept room for women-led brands in the heart of Munich: With the project The Female Eye by HAEDREN Empowered by Fine Content, the two entrepreneurs Tanja Braemer (Haed...

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Unterschied zwischen Babytrage und Toddlertrage

Difference between baby carrier and toddler carrier

You often ask us what the difference is between the baby carrier and the toddler carrier, so we would like to answer this question for you here. The basic differences are as follows; leg bridge...

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Wir sind im Fernsehen – Natalie & Hodays in der WDR Lokalzeit Düsseldorf

We are on TV - Natalie & Hodays in the WDR local time Düsseldorf

On March 22, 2023, our contribution on the topic "Baby with Business" ran in the WDR local time Düsseldorf. Here's the part where we're featured:

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So hilfst Du Deinem Baby beim Schlafen!

How to help your baby sleep!

As a new parent, understanding and paying attention to your newborn's sleep patterns is a huge challenge. A newborn typically sleeps between 14 and 17 hours a day, which is v...

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Wir feiern den Weltfrauentag 2023

We celebrate International Women's Day 2023

International Women's Day is celebrated on March 8th each year to celebrate the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women and to promote their equality. While women around...

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Was passt zu Dir – Babytragetuch oder Babytrage?

What suits you – baby sling or baby carrier?

A baby carrier and baby sling are two popular ways to carry your baby close to your body. While both methods have their advantages, there are specific reasons why a baby carrier might be a bette...

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Bonding nach der Geburt: Warum es wichtig ist und wie man es fördern kann

Bonding after childbirth: why it's important and how to encourage it

The birth of a child is a crucial event in the life of every family. It is a time of joy, but also of adjustment and learning. One of the most important aspects that parents should consider in t...

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Kann mein Baby in der Babytrage auch nach vorne schauen?

Can my baby look forward in the baby carrier?

Carrying babies is super practical, popular and a win-win situation for both child and parents. In addition, carrying it in our sandiia® baby carrier is easy and uncomplicated. However, we get a...

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Wenn Euer Baby größer wird, ist unsere Toddlertrage für Euch da!

As your baby grows, our toddler carrier is there for you!

A toddler carrier is a baby carrier that is suitable for older babies and toddlers. In contrast to conventional baby carriers, which can usually be used up to a weight of app...

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SPOTTED: Wir sind im ELTERN-Magazin 3/2023

SPOTTED: We are in ELTERN magazine 3/2023

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Jetzt neu! Unsere riesigen Shopping-Bags

Now New! Our giant shopping bags

Do you already know our new shopping bag? You could also call it diaper bag, mom bag, yoga bag or bag. It is a practical and stylish bag for parents with enough storage space for everything you nee...

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Die ersten Tage nach der Geburt 👶

The first days after birth 👶

The first few days after giving birth are unique and unforgettable for every mother. They are marked by joy, love and exhaustion. In the first few days after giving birth, as a mother, you are...

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Was ist eigentlich ein aktiver Tragling?

What exactly is an active baby?

You have certainly heard the term in connection with carrying. A human baby is fully developed and is born with complete sensory organs and hair. However, independent locomotion is impossible an...

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So stellst Du den Beinsteg richtig ein!

This is how you adjust the leg bridge correctly!

In a recent post we explained what the M position is and why it is so important. Now we will clarify how best to adjust the bridge between your baby's knees. Since a newborn baby automatically sq...

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10 Ideen: So hilfst Du frischgebackenen Eltern

10 ideas: How to help new parents

How to support a new mom - seems obvious, doesn't it? That's not true. Ask any new mom and we bet she's had to serve visitors a cup of tea when she'd rather have napped. Adjusting to a new baby in ...

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Was ist die M-Position?

What is the M position?

Our baby carriers are adaptable for the little ones. That means the leg bridge is adjustable with buttons. This is important to enable the anatomically correct spread squat position. What does s...

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Tragen ist mehr als Hände frei – das sind die unsichtbaren Vorteile von Babytragen

Carrying is more than hands-free - these are the invisible advantages of baby carriers

Are you still pushing or are you already carrying? Carrying is a trend. And carrying has to fit in with fashion. That is what we have set ourselves. But carrying is not a passing fad, but rather...

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Mit Baby stylisch durch den Tag | Die Babytrage von Sandiia

Stylish with baby throughout the day | The baby carrier from Sandiia

I wear the baby carrier with every outfit and it always fits! You can see and feel the quality every time you put it on and that's why, for me, it's simply part of good basic equipment. A re...

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So kleidest du dein Baby im Winter in der Trage

This is how you dress your baby in the carrier in winter

Many parents ask themselves: "What should I dress my child in when carrying a baby?" We'll give you a few valuable tips: The best heater is you The current weather makes us wonder ever...

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Unser Service: kostenlose Online-Trageberatung

Our service: free online babywearing advice

Book your FREE babywearing consultation with Tabea & Dorina now Our free service for you & your baby We offer you FREE baby carrier advice from our professional bab...

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Trendfarbe 2022: Flieder

Trend color 2022: Lilac

It is THE trend color that no one can ignore this year: lilac or purple. The American color communication and technology company Pantone, which has set the color of the year every year since 2000, ...

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Die Mini-Me Puppentrage für Kinder

The Mini-Me Doll Carrier for Children

When mom or dad carry the baby in the baby carrier, the older siblings usually want to imitate this. With our doll carrier, children from 18 months can playfully imitate their parents and carr...

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6 Gründe, warum Dein Baby das Tragen nicht mag und was Du dagegen tun kannst

6 reasons why your baby doesn't like being carried and what you can do about it

If your baby still doesn't like being carried in the sandiia baby carrier, please go through this checklist and above all: take your time and try it out again and again.

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Unsere Babytrage ist als "hüftgesundes“ Produkt ausgezeichnet

Our baby carrier has been awarded as a "hip-healthy" product

The International Hip Dysplasia Institute (IHDI) recognizes our sandiia Tiimeless baby carrier as a “hip-healthy” product. Why is this so important? Before your baby is born, it spends 10 month...

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Unser großes Kampagnen-Shooting

Our big campaign shooting

On May 17, 2021, the time had finally come - after weeks of planning and organization, our shoot took place in the Stock and Blonde Studio in Krefeld. Also there: our new baby carriers in particul...

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Influencer, die sandiia lieben

Influencers who love sandiia

Check out this post on Instagram A post shared by Rebecca Mir (@rebeccamir)

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