6 reasons why your baby doesn't like being carried and what you can do about it
First of all, you should know that babies are carried. This means that they are born to be carried. They love being close to mom and dad. They love hearing their heartbeat, smelling their bodies and feeling the warmth of their bodies. Babies also have a grasping reflex from birth: this allows them to hold on to their carrier with astonishing strength for a short time. Babies automatically go into the spread-squat position when they are picked up. The rounded back also allows them to snuggle up to the carrier perfectly.
If your baby still doesn't like being carried in the sandiia baby carrier, please go through this checklist and above all: take your time and try it out again and again.
Is the carrier adjusted correctly?
Please always make sure that the carrier is adjusted correctly. You can read how to do this here . Make sure that your baby slides into the carrier properly and has a rounded back. It should always sit in the spread-squat position. The middle bar of the carrier should reach from the back of the knee to the back of the knee and your baby's bottom should be below the knees. -
Is your baby wearing the right clothes?
Make sure that you dress your baby in comfortable clothing when you are in the carrier. That means no tight tights that might pull on the feet. No clothing made of synthetic fibers that will make the baby sweat. Tops should always be without hoods, collars, or buttons on the chest or back. Your clothing should also not have large buttons, cords, or zippers in the cleavage and neck area. Of course, your baby should not be cold or sweaty when in the carrier. Remember that the baby will be getting a lot of body heat from you when in the carrier! -
Is your baby hungry?
Your baby should be full before being put into the carrier. This way you can be sure that it feels comfortable. Maybe it will fall asleep in the carrier straight after feeding? -
Is your baby in pain right now?
Gas in the stomach, tight spots, toothache? Sometimes babies aren't feeling well and we just don't know why. It's precisely in moments like these that your baby needs your closeness and may even be very happy to be with you in the carrier. Even if it cries at first, don't give up so quickly. Sometimes children calm down relatively quickly and just need to get used to the new situation. -
Does your baby have a full diaper?
It's understandable that your baby doesn't like to sit in the carrier with a full diaper. So do a diaper check before and during use! -
Does your baby sense your impatience or nervousness?
You don't have much practice carrying your baby and are perhaps nervous? Your baby can sense it and may also become insecure. Relax or seek help until you are confident and can put the carrier on by yourself. Not only does your baby have to get used to it, carrying your baby may be new to you too. Take your time!